The HD Film Festival is an event that has been created by the Club HD, a professional group aiming at promoting and communicating on High Definition , along with SATIS, a trade show focused on sound and image technologies. The main goal of this Festival is to encourage production and distribution of works produced in high definition. "It (.) seemed obvious (.) that an event celebrating HD with such openness and such a broad spectrum should also abolish its own boundaries!" explains Stephan Faudeux, president of the HD Club. It is done now: the Festival's third edition will host a new international selection, dedicated to foreign contents! It is for this category that Foreign Body , coproduced by Michael Eisner 's company Tornante and Cyber Group Digital Media , was rewarded as Best Foreign Production by HD Film Festival 2008. Available as a series (50x2') or as a TV Movie (1x90'), Foreign Body is a prequel to best selling author Robin Cook's latest book, a thriller that delves into the world of medical tourism with twists and turns of seduction, murder and international intrigue.